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Апрель 2024
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Две новых тетры в Колумбии


Два новых вида тетр, рода хемибриконов (Hemibrycon), семейство харацидовых (Characidae), обитающие в реке Magdalena, в Колумбии, получили названия Hemibrycon brevispini и Hemibrycon cairoense.

Hemibrycon brevispini n. sp. can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the presence of hooks on all fins, and by an elongate projection on the fourth ventral neural arc near the first neural post–zygotic apophysis. Hemibrycon cairoense n. sp. can be distinguished from congeners by having nine proximal pteryigiophores
in the dorsal fins including the terminal piece (vs. > 10).

Román–Valencia, C. и Arcila–Mesa, D.K. в Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 32.2: 77-87.

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